Rathcoole Boys Policy

Rathcoole Boys Football Club does not discriminate nor will we tolerate discrimination against any player, manager, coach, volunteers, parent/guardian or any other club member, or opponent on the basis of race, colour, cultural heritage, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, membership of the travelling community or any other status provided for under the protection, constitution and laws of Ireland.

This policy extends to all club personnel and any other person with whom club personnel may come into contact with. Rathcoole Boys Football Club will not tolerate any form of harassment, verbal or physical abuse under any circumstance, nor will we condone such actions.

Respect for the dignity of others is our guiding principle for our relations with each other and all others connected to the club, directly or indirectly.
We enforce a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of discrimination, bigotry, racism, verbal or physical abuse and at all times strive to uphold the true values of sportsmanship.

Our Children are Our Future, Show Them RESPECT

Rathcoole Boys Football Club would like to stress the importance that the right attitude is present on the pitch and sidelines at all times. By all means, encourage our children but also recognise the opposition on the day are children too and deserve the respect and encouragement that we wish for our children, as do their coaches, parents, supporters, volunteers and the referees.

Rathcoole Boys Football Club prides itself in providing a safe and fun family environment which lends itself to the development of all our young players and future stars.

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